About Punctual and this guide
About Punctual and this guide
A summary of all the changes from Punctual 0.5.
An introductory self-contained tutorial to Punctual.
Important abstract concepts behind Punctual
First steps on using Punctual
On Punctual’s coordinate system, and the use of Cartesian and polar coordinates
How color works in Punctual, color spaces, and ideas for using colors in your visuals.
Creating variation through time using oscillators.
Arithmetic and comparison operators for graphs
Using standard mathematical functions in Punctual expressions.
Different ways to rescale a range of values
Basic geometric shapes, images and videos.
Different ways how multiple channels can be combined.
Applying geometric transformations to patterns
Adjusting the transition time between two expressions
How to synchronize visuals with music tempo and adapt visuals to music using frequency analysis.
Using feedback to enhance patterns